Day 1

Day 1 – The Intervention

The Tally: Amount spent: $12.35  Money left: $87.65  Days remaining: 30

After spending over 2 hours counting and spread-sheeting (is that a word?lol) all the food in the house, I’ve come to the conclusion that limiting ourselves to spending $100 in a month and using what we already have is…


Master got all ‘iMac’ happy and made pretty little colour-coded spreadsheets for pantry/fridge/freezer/purchases and it was a loooooooooooong list (aren’t boys and their toys cute?)


There is an insane amount of food already here and the fact that every week, simply out of habit, we go and buy more food to add to the insane amount of food already here is just…sad.

Here are a few pics of what we are starting the challenge with:

The pantry in all its glory:


The five drawers of the freezer spread over the kitchen table:


Day 1 purchases: Mandarins, mung beans sprouts, a cabbage, two pineapples and a butternut pumpkin for a sum total of $12.35.


We probably won’t buy anything else until Friday/Saturday next week except maybe some milk if we run out before then.

We had crumpets for breakfast and I’m feeling totally like crap with my cold, so I’ve been craving some pumpkin soup which will be for lunch/dinner. I also made four caramel puddings, so one will be scoffed tonight and the remaining three during the week. Ever since the beginning of March I’ve been journalling every single thing I eat and drink on a daily basis over at CalorieKing, so I’m not going to go into uber detail here. If anyone wants to see detail, drop me a line and I’ll give you a link to my online food diary.

Master has finally conceeded that yes, he does have too much stuff in the house, so I’m feeling like on Day 1 my ‘pantry intervention’ has been a success.

One thought on “Day 1

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  1. hehe, hilarious! I love that you guys made a spreadsheet!

    I found your blog on Submissive Guide’s list of top blogs and just wanted to say hi!

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