Runner’s pride?

Remember how I bitched about getting a blister?

Well, I popped it. Then ran again. Then popped it again. Then ran again. Then popped it yet again…rinse and repeat for.evah.

So I started wearing two pairs of socks and trying to consciously run on the outside part of my foot to take the pressure off it. I also spent a lot of time swearing and invoking the names of several gods when it became super ouchie.

I figured eventually that my foot would harden the fuck up and it would stop blistering and hurting if I sucked it up.

Three weeks later it has formed a callous and now the skin looks like it’s going to come off! Yay!

You’ll also notice that I’ve got a very sexy build up of skin on my ball, the side of my big toe and the top of my toe next to my ‘little piggie’ (I have no idea what the proper name of that toe is…)

Yeah…remind me why I’m doing this again??

P.S But at least I haven’t started losing toenails yet. I hear that happens a lot with people who run…

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